Once there was a wealthy nobleman who lived in a vast area of grassland. One day, as more and more owned by his cattle, the nobles chose 2 young people from poor families to be employed. The tall and strapping employed as grooms. While underweight and smaller livestock goats hired as caretaker.
After a while, the sturdy body arrogantly said to the small body: "Hey buddy. Bigger body than I do your body. I'm older than you. Starting tomorrow, we swapped places. I chose to take care of the goats., And you replace me take care of horses. Beware if you do not want to! And beware yes, please do not report this problem to our master? If you dare to report or refuse, you know the consequences! I kill your little body! "
Afternoon, with a glum face and unsteady steps he went home. Arriving at the house, saw his face glum and turmoil, the mother asked: "Son, what is it? Was what? Tell me to mother". With affection and tenderness, they conversed at dinner.
The child was told the events that had occurred. With the child's murmur continued: "It's not fair, is it, ma'am. Threatening him and forcing me to take care of wild horses. He is a big man chose to take care of goats. Fevers small way, how I can catch a horse that was so great. Aduuuh Bu ... really ugly fate. "
Looking down he spent a languid evening dining. The wise mother with a smile said, "Son. All problems must have a silver lining. Thankful, face, and received with great heart. Do not hostile and hate your friend. Mothers believe, all the difficulties that you will face, if you are able to learn and work hard, it will definitely make you strong and beneficial for your future. "
Since then, the skinny kid was painstakingly every day struggling with job taking care of the horses are well-built, large, and still wild. He must pursue their ups and downs, sometimes hit kick, never even stepped up badly injured. From day to day skills and ability to master the horses were getting better. Not noticeably, his body developed into a tall, strapping, and mighty. Until one day, a war broke out between countries. Kingdom needs cavalry soldiers. And the young man was chosen as leader because of his ability to control the cavalry horses.
Later, the young man managed to lead and win the war that was given to him and known to many people because of the greatness of his name. He is the leader of the famous Mongolian nation, named: Genghis Khan Companions of the blessed, In the round of life often times we are faced with circumstances that seem to make us suffer, suffer, and we are not helpless but to accept it. If we dissolve in disappointment, anger, emotion, certainly our own that will increase suffering.
Better we consider the discomfort as a mental exercise and patience. Let high-minded while doing positive activities, so until a later perubahanlebih definitely better, we will enjoy incredible!...