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8.1    GENERAL To supervise the contractor's project execution activities, PLN signed a contract with the Consultant associated with a local Consultant to obtain services, which includes the construction supervision service. 8.2    SITE INSTRUCTION The consultant shall actively assist PLN with construction supervision activities including but not limited to : (a)      Review and comment on the contractor's execution of site works. (b)     Review, comment on and monitor the contractor's project construction schedule. (c)         Assist in inputting and updating PLN's Artemis construction schedule. (d)         Review and comment on contractor's activity progress report (weekly, monthly and quarterly progress report). (e)         Review and comment on contractor's construction quality assurance program, practice...


1.1     OBJECTIVE The objective of the project is to fulfill the electric energy demand in Kendari, PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) has planned to build, own and operate a coal fire steam power plant, PLTU Kendari unit 3 ( 1 x 10 MW) for supplying the electric power for industrial and public use. In accordance with construction process of a power plant particularly in physical installation, it need a supervision and control to the Works carried out by the contractor to achieve project objectives with a good quality, completed in time and economically which shall comply with the contract specification and prevailing standard.      2.     USE OF PROJECT ENGINEERING PROCEDURES MANUAL 2.1      PURPOSE This Project Engineering Procedures Manual is issued for use by the Consultant Supervison PLTU Kendari Unit 3 . This manual summarizes the basic interfaces and procedures involved in Contractor document...


Project planning and control documents are prepared to define the policies, practices,' procedures design criteria and instruction applicable to the planning and control Of the project. These documents have controlled distribution, with periodic review and updating. 6.1.1         Project Documents. The Project Documents are consisting of: (1)         Contract Agreement between the owner of the project (PLN) and the contractor of the project including any documents stipulated in the contract agreement. (2)         PLN Policies and Procedures may be included in the project document only when it affect according to the contract.


4.1    INTRODUCTION This section describes methods and procedures for project management comprising project co-ordination, progress reporting, management reviews and review meeting, etc. 4.2    PROJECT EXECUTION METHOD AND MATRIX This item defines the project organization and the specific responsibilities for each of the areas of services of the Consultant in accordance with the Contract No. .................. The key areas of the Consultant’s services are: 1)     Contractor Interface - Support to PLN in monitoring, and supervising Contractor's performance in construction and commissioning. 2)      Consultant - PLN Interface – Reporting on Contractor’s progress of work and making recommendations to PLN if necessary 4.2.1        Division of Responsibility The division of responsibility for the scope of services defined in Construction Supervision and QA/QC in accordance with Contract...


1.0 General Scope This section deals with the procedures relating to review and issue of construction drawings.  Each drawing issued for construction shall be required to complete a review procedure prior to issue.  In general the process shall involve. 1. Completion of drawing 2. Drawing check by Senior Draftsman 3. Design check by Designer 4. Design Peer Review by Senior Engineer 5. Approval for Construction


To ensure that the complete design documents and drawings conform in a consistent and proper manner with Engineering Standards, a procedure for checking and approval is necessary . Official checkers are not appointed. Rather, the section leader can help arrange for qualified personnel to check design and/or drawings of peers.


This pump handbook has been produced to support pump users at all levels, providing an invaluable reference tool. The handbook includes all the necessary information for the correct selection and successful application of the Alfa Laval ranges of Centrifugal, Liquid Ring and Rotary Lobe Pumps. The handbook is divided into fifteen main sections, which are as follows: ...if pumps are the question Alfa Laval is an acknowledged market leader in pumping technology, supplying Centrifugal and Positive Displacement Pumps world-wide to various key application areas such as food, brewery and pharmaceutical. 1 Introduction 2 Terminology and Theory 3 Pump Selection 4 Pump Description 5 Pump Materials of Construction 6 Pump Sealing 7 Pump Sizing 8 Pump Specification Options 9 Motors 10 Cleaning Guidelines 11 Compliance with International Standards and Guidelines 12 Installation Guide 13 Troubleshooting 14 Technical Data 15 Glossary of Terms  


INTRODUCTION A pump is a machine that imparts energy into a liquid to lift the liquid to a higher level, to transport the liquid from one place to another, to pressurize the liquid for some useful purpose, or to circulate the liquid in a piping system by overcoming the frictional resistance of the piping system. The pump is one of the oldest machines invented by man. The earliest pumps devised for raising water, such as the Persian and Roman waterwheels and the more advanced Archimedes screw, were invented to raise water from the hold of a ship. Since that time, many variations and applications of pumps have been developed, which in most cases can be classified into two basic methods used to impart energy to a liquid: volumetric or positive displacement, and addition of kinetic energy.