Crying is a normal emotional reaction. Generally, women are more easily and more frequently than men cry. Society generally requires men to be strong and tough, one form is to not cry. If a man was caught crying, scorn and ridicule would be on him. "You are a man, do not cry like a woman!"
Men had to be strong, but that does not mean should not cry. Cry when remembering Allah .. Cry when regretting the sins that have been done .. CryOnce upon a time the Prophet. cried all night. What makes him cry all night? Is the wife? Offspring? Property and gardens? It was not because of the worldly things.He was crying because of the prayer he read Al-Quran Surah Al-Ma'ida paragraph 118 that tells prayer for his people, for us.He prayed with tears until the dawn arrives. He kept repeating the verse. "If you torture them, indeed they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, verily You are the mighty, All-wise."Then he recited both hands as he prayed, "O God, my people .. my people .. "Then he burst into tears.Allah Ta'ala said to Gabriel, "O Gabriel, go and meet Muhammad. Your Lord is All-Knowing. Now ask him, why is he crying? "Jibril also meet the Prophet. causality to ask him cry. Prophet. forthright to Gabriel about his concerns on his own people. Jibril also filed a grievance with the Messenger of Allah.God replied, "Now, go and meet Muhammad. Tell
him that I was with him for interceding for his people and I will not
do bad to him (as long as no partners with Allah). "(Narrated by Muslim,
and Tabari)Prophet., The noble man, the noble man, crying out in prayer. Cried begged forgiveness for his people, us. Subhanallah. It's a great love of the Prophet. on us. What about us? Menangiskah us when remembering Allah and His Messenger?We miss you ya Rasul ...
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّد Wallahu a'lam bishawab
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