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Showing posts from August, 2013


The discovery of hand Writings of ancient Hebrew and Aramaic at Qumran province, after World War II has sparked the enthusiasm of the Scriptures History Expert to get information about these manuscripts are expected to provide answers to the mysteries of an important period in the history of mankind . That certainly is reasonable given that the most ancient Hebrew manuscripts that exist today from the Book of the Old Testament from the 10th century AD In addition to these manuscripts that save a considerable differences when confronted with Septuagint Greek manuscripts roommates successfully translated in Alexandria in the 13th century BC. Which of the two texts are most valid in the event of a difference? Which of the two is the most reliable? Not only limited to the Church-the Church Israelite, even Greek Christian churches, Recognizes the Old Testament as part of their Scriptures. While Christians until the 10th century AD, the script relying Septuagint (the Greek text, pent) and af...