The discovery of hand Writings of ancient Hebrew and Aramaic at Qumran province, after World War II has sparked the enthusiasm of the Scriptures History Expert to get information about these manuscripts are expected to provide answers to the mysteries of an important period in the history of mankind . That certainly is reasonable given that the most ancient Hebrew manuscripts that exist today from the Book of the Old Testament from the 10th century AD In addition to these manuscripts that save a considerable differences when confronted with Septuagint Greek manuscripts roommates successfully translated in Alexandria in the 13th century BC. Which of the two texts are most valid in the event of a difference? Which of the two is the most reliable? Not only limited to the Church-the Church Israelite, even Greek Christian churches, Recognizes the Old Testament as part of their Scriptures. While Christians until the 10th century AD, the script relying Septuagint (the Greek text, pent) and after that they switch - unless the Church of the East Greek-Hebrew text to the beginning of the same century.
As the sources are up to us about the Messiah, all derived from the Writings compiled in the half-century since the time specified as the death of Jesus. And there is no one else script - albeit slightly - from historical sources mention that today the exact period is said that Jesus never lived at that time. On the Contrary, the New Testament books Themselves - as a reference only to our neighbor Jesus gives life misinform contradictory concerning the life and death of Jesus. Matthew's Gospel says that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod, who died in the year 4 BC. While the Gospel of Luke set the birth of the Messiah during the population census by the Romans, the sixth year of birth of the Messiah. Differences also emerged regarding the future Messiah berakhirya life on earth. Based on the descriptions Obtained from the Gospels, there is a setting in KE30, year-to-33 and there are also those who set the 36th year.While previous conviction asserts that the Gospel writers were the Disciples and companions who lived during the Messiah, and they are a living witness to the intimation that they write. However, nowadays it Became clear that none of the Gospel writers who never met Jesus. The author is no exception rests on the narrations they hear from others or from their Interpretations of the ancient Writings.Based on this fact, the discovery of ancient Writings that precede or during the time of Jesus' life in the region is only a few kilometers from the city of Jerusalem, roommates is Mentioned as the town where the death of the Messiah, has revived hopes of finding the source-source of knowledge to the mysteries and reveal the nature of problems in the history of the institution of Christianity and its association with Jewish congregations that Existed at that time. Enthusiasm can be higher since the publication of the manuscript parts early sixties. So it is clear that the hand Writings closely related to the Judea-Christian group known as The Esenes, who has a wise teacher with the nature and character not unlike that of the Messiah. But what a shame that the enthusiasm that emerged among Scientists Scriptural history and the lay reader it was a cause of anxiety and fear of the religious authorities and institutions of the Jewish and Christian. Reason anxiety was not associated with the fear that the information that was found will Strengthen the faith of the Muslims, Because true that the Writings of an ancient religious Writings. But the anxiety that leads to concerns over fraud and changes not only with regard to the nature of history, but also arise of interpretation of religious texts follows meaning.Based on such could be better, then the government since Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem after the War in June, 1967, publishing Efforts incoming scripts Dead Sea is practically stopped. While there still remains more than half of roomates have not been published. Even more than that, the Israeli government tried to silence the voices that come from all over-even the most outspoken of Israel itself-Scientists. To circumvent the persistent pressure, the Israeli government planned a symbolic action. The authorities at the Department of Archaeology of Israel send pictures photography who Claimed to have been representative of the entire manuscript is in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem, the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and to a university in the United States. The next Israeli government pretends as if furious and staged a protest when the university is meant to translate and publish the manuscript photography pictures without official permission from the Israeli government.Israeli government's symbolic drama, presumably intended to give the impression that all manuscripts have been translated and published, and Thus there will be no reason for any party to urge the Israeli government to show all manuscripts in his hand. You can be sure that there are still a number pieces still unpublished manuscripts, and by certain parties Deliberately kept secret existence, that thereby he would again be forgotten by history. However, parts of roomates have been published previously, enough to give us an explanation to the mystery of what is true that certain parties Deliberately covered up. This is what we want to try to disclose the following discussion-discussion.Dead Sea manuscripts in question is a collection of ancient handwritten successfully found between the years 1947 - 1956 in the caves hidden in the mountains that lie to the west of the Dead Sea, Qumran among other areas, Muraba'at, Khirbat, Mrd , Masada and Ein Pause. The discovery, particularly from Qumran or Umran area, the West Bank, Jordan, who is just a few kilometers south of the city of Jericho (Areeha), since half a century ago, has brought profound impact on the mindset of Researchers throughout the Jewish and Christian world. Further discoveries that spectacular, exactly, has resulted in many changes to the structure of the trust that had been believed to be in Palestine. However, we are still in the early steps that can not be expected to get perfect results, unless the entire existing script successfully publicized and understood its meaning by the Researchers.When World War II almost subsided, precisely in February, 1947, discovered the first cave near the Dead Sea. When Palestine was under British trusteeship and Jerusalem is still in the hands of the Palestinians. Initially, Muhammad Ad-Dib, a shepherd boy losing his sheep. He was of the tribe Ta'amirah who inhabited the region that stretches from Jerusalem to the banks of the Dead Sea. In an effort to find the lost sheep, the shepherd boy climbed onto a rock. From there he saw a narrow slit of a cliff facing mountain slopes. She picked up a stone, he threw the stone into the stone cave and heard the collision tossed with objects that seem made of pottery. The little shepherd then up the mountain slope and peered over. In the gloom, Muhammad Witnessed a number of pottery furniture neatly arranged on the floor of the cave. The next morning, Muhammad returned to the cave Followed by several friends. And really, in the cave they found a set of furniture from pottery and seven rolls handwriting.In a short time, handwritten manuscript that has been exhibited for sale by antique dealer in Jerusalem, named Kando. He bought it from a resident Ta'amirah. Athanasius Samuel, head of the Catholic Monastery of Saint Mark in Switzerland roomates at that time was in Jerusalem to buy 4 pieces of manuscripts, while the other 3 pieces purchased by Professor Eliezer Sukenik of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.When the Saudi War - Israel rages, following the proclamation of the founding of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948, Athanasius worry about the fate of the ancient manuscripts are bought. He intends to send the fourth manuscript to the United States for sale there. But eventually the manuscript was purchased by Professor Yigael Yadin's price Sukenik with quarter million U.S. dollars on behalf of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Thus, the findings of the first seven manuscripts in the possession of Hebrew University in Israel.When it reached the Arab-Israeli peace agreement on 7 November 1949, a third of the area of Qumran and the Dead Sea region north into the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Thus the authorities in Jordan can be freely Launched a series of archaeological Expeditions to track down ancient manuscripts remaining. Although on the other hand people Ta'amirah caves mysterious secret existence, but in the end the authorities Jordan managed to find at the end of January 1949.Following the discovery of the location of the caves of Qumran, Jordan authorities immediately Launched a search expedition in the caves. Under the supervision G.L. Harding, a British scientist who served as Director of the Department of Archaeology Jordan with Father Roland de Vaux director I'Ecole Biblique French Dominican, East Jerusalem, the expedition managed to find Hundreds of small pieces in a cave ancient following objects of pottery, fabrics and objects from wood. Antiquities certainly help Efforts to Determine Hand Writings historical period from ancient times that. But unfortunately, this expedition did not continue to the area of Khirbat Encompass - plain below the location of the cave-except in November 1951, roomates were found in the ruins of ancient settlements inhabited by the followers of the sect Esenes, it was also found in ancient Roman objects among others; coin, roomates from the time of its manufacture indicates that the caves are inhabited by people certain to reignite the movement of the Jewish revolt against the Romans between the years 66-70 AD, roomates ended with the Annihilation of Jerusalem and the expulsion of the Jews from the city and other areas around Jerusalem.Because greedy for gain material benefits, Ta'amirah explore almost the entire population of Dead Sea region in order to find other manuscripts are expected to Remain hidden in the caves of the mountains. In November 1952, a Bedouin resident Ta'amirah managed to find another cave contained inside a large number of scrolls and manuscripts that have been weathered into tiny scraps. He then sold it to the authorities in Jordan. How to search by Ta'amirah population was then replicated by Jordan to explore the caves in the Dead Sea in an effort to find the manuscripts are still tersisi. Peak, in 1965, discovered the cave consists of a set of twelve pieces, also in the area of Qumran. New caves have been found the next number in order of discovery. Residents Ta'amirah find cave numbers 1, 4, and 6, while the seven caves discovered by authorities laiinnya Jordan.On the other hand, Athanasius-after doing a feasibility test archaeological texts, the Dead Sea has been given <'s rekom.endasi keaada American Institute for Oriental Studies in Jerusalem to photograph and publish to re-four manuscripts that are within his grasp. Between the years 1950 - 1951, the American Institute in Jerusalem for the first time publishes images of the Dead Sea Scrolls photography, Thus giving an opportunity for other Researchers to explore it, roomates is then Followed by the publication of English text translation. In 1953, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem has also published three photography images following script translation.Father De Voux, subsequently appointed the Jordan Archaeological Expedition undertaking in an effort to find the ancient texts at Qumran, Responsible Accredited translation project and manuscript preparation. By de Foux, a successful script scraps found in cave No.-1 Submitted to Dominique Partolemi and Millick, both partners work in French Dominican Foux de I'Ecole Biblique. Publishing script translation done by Oxford University in 1955. But before that, the government has to first establish Jordan I <omission International researcher eight people-not one of them Arab nationals-with the task of preparing and publishing the text transcript, chaired by de Foux with members from France, UK, USA and Germany are soon arrived in Jerusalem and ready to work.Following after that, in 1961, the translation manuscripts found in the cave Muraba'at region, south of Qumran, by Josef T. Belongs, has been published as well. The fourth part of Muraba'at manuscripts containing Scriptures from the Psalms findings in cave number 11 was published in 1965. While the fifth section are pieces from cave number 4 was published in 1968.In the next development, also found in other ancient manuscripts at Qumran caves outside the region, among others in the region Mird, the southwest toward the Qumran, Muraba'at (Qumran the southeast direction) and Masada, an ancient fortress in the southern Dead Sea Jewish controlled Israeli government. In an effort to find the ancient manuscripts, residents are not satisfied with the search Qumran Qumran in the course, they even have Explored almost all mountainous region that stretches along the coast of the Dead Sea. 0ktober in 1951 was again a Bedouin citizen Ta'amirah find a number of manuscripts in Hebrew and Greek in a cave in Muraba'at oasis region, approximately 15 km south of Qumran caves first, then he sold it to the draft findings Jordan authorities. At the same time, a number of other Ta'amirah find in most Christian Writings Mird region, near Qumran, on roomates is written in the Syriac language. Consisting An expedition team of Israeli archaeologists under the direction of Yigael Yadin, also do a search codex between years 1963 - 1965, particularly in the traces of the relics in fortress Masada, in the territory of Israel, the city Arikha the northeast (al-Khalil ), and managed to find some ancient manuscripts. But the spotlight here is our ancient Writings from Qumran, roomates is believed to be a relic of the sect Esenes The people, not the Writings of Judaism and Christianity are found outside Qumran.The outbreak of the Arab - Israel in 1967 led to the downfall of the West Bank into the clutches of the Israeli occupation authorities, as well as Jerusalem museum, a place in the shelf of ancient manuscripts. No one apart Jari mastery Israeli authorities than a manuscript copper, Because at that time, the manuscript was in Amman, Jordan. And since then, all publicity activities codex practically stopped.