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After setup of the Work Breakdown Structure, in the Workstructure worksheet, the Project Controller has the following basic responsibilities.

q  Enter commitments (daily)
q  Update expenditures (weekly)
q  Identify errors, variances and unauthorized expenditure

1) Entering Commitments
a)   Material Requisitions
i)             Material Requisitions “for inquiry” should not be considered as commitments, but items should be entered into Mat Reqs worksheet.
ii)            Material Requisitions “for purchase” shall be entered into the Mat Reqs worksheet, and linked to the Workstructure worksheet - commitment and expenditure.
iii)          Each item should be entered but with simple description – a full description is not required
iv)          All MR’s “for purchase” must be provided with an estimate of the cost (the PM shall be responsible to define estimated cost if not already shown.  Note – no estimated cost provided – MR not processed until estimated cost supplied)
v)            Estimated cost should be shown as
q   unit cost per line item if detailed per item
q   or, a total if for all items in MR
vi)          Allowance should be made for freight if not detailed on MR – 15% of total cost.
vii)         Item #’s in Mat Reqs should match Item #’s in Ellipse
viii)        MIR’s shall be entered as “commitment” and “expenditure”.  Information to be supplied by Material Coordinator.
ix)          Mat Reqs worksheet should be information should be primary control – not Work Order.

b)   Contracts
i)             Contracts (awarded) shall be entered into the Contracts worksheet, and linked to the Workstructure worksheet as a commitment.
ii)            Subsequent Contract Instructions, FWI’s etc that have a cost impact must be entered into the Contracts worksheet as a commitment
iii)          All Contracts, Contract Instructions, FWI’s etc that have a cost impact must be provided with an estimate of the cost (the PM shall be responsible to define estimated cost if not already shown)
iv)          Estimated cost should be shown as total for all items in Contract or Instruction.  Line items are not required.
v)            Contracts worksheet should be information should be primary control – not Work Order.

c)   Work Orders
i)             Work Orders should only be set up in W.O’s worksheet if expenditure not already recorded in Contracts or Mat Reqs worksheets.
ii)            Work Orders shall be entered into the W.O’s worksheet, and linked to the Workstructure worksheet as commitment and expenditure.
iii)          End of month, expenditure for Labour, Equipment, Material and Other should be entered into W.O’s worksheet.

2) Entering Expenditures
a)   Material Requisitions
i)             Material Requisitions expenditures should be reviewed weekly for any changes.
ii)            Expenditures shall be entered in Mat Reqs worksheet, and linked to the Workstructure worksheet. 
iii)          Commitments shall be adjusted to match expenditure when
q  all items have been supplied, and
q  all costs posted.
Note – Commitments should never be less than Expenditure.  If Expenditure costs exceed Commitment costs, request PM to revise Commitment value/s.
iv)          Confirm (weekly) that W/O costs match Mat Req’s costs.  Establish reason for any variance and discuss required actions with Project Manager.
v)            Work Orders that are collecting costs from MR’s that have all items supplied and costs posted should be closed and finalised.  Prior to closure, posted costs should be reviewed for any anomalies or double charging.  

b)   Contracts
i)             Approved invoices should be entered in the Contracts worksheet, as approved invoices.
ii)            Posted expenditures should be reviewed weekly for any changes and entered in the Contracts worksheet, and linked to the Workstructure worksheet.  These should match the invoice values.
iii)          Confirm that W/O costs match Contracts costs.  Establish reason for any variance and discuss required actions with Project Manager.
Note – Commitments should never be less than Expenditure.  If Expenditure costs exceed Commitments, request PM to revise Commitment value/s or issue Contract Variation.

c)   Work Orders
i)             Work order expenditures for Labour, Equipment, Material and Other shall be entered following month end. 

3) Identify errors, variances and unauthorized expenditure
a)   Material Requisitions
i)             Material Requisitions expenditures should match W/O costs.
ii)            Material requisition expenditures should not be duplicated.
iii)          Material requisition expenditures should be realistic.

b)   Contracts
i)             Contract expenditures should match W/O costs.
ii)            Contract expenditures should match invoice costs.
iii)          Contract expenditures should not exceed commitments.
iv)          Contract expenditures should not be duplicated.

4) Guidelines and Recommendations

q  Material Requisitions expenditures should match W/O costs.
q  Material Requisitions should charge to W/O’s dedicated to material purchases, and should not collect “other” costs.
q  A Work Order can only be entered one line in the Workstructure worksheet.
q  More than one Material Requisition can charge to one Work Order (Many to one)
q  A Material Requisition should not charge to more the one Work Order (One to many)
q  Linking Commitments, Expenditures and /or forecasts (in Workstructure worksheet) is not permitted.
q  Entering the forecast value is the responsibility of the Project Manager – not the Project Controller.
q  Budget vales do not change unless an APC is approved.  If an APC is approved the Project Manager should confirm adjustment to Budget values.
q  Use of the project Contingency will depend on the Project Manager.

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