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1.0 General Scope
This section deals with the procedures relating to review and issue of construction drawings. 

Each drawing issued for construction shall be required to complete a review procedure prior to issue.  In general the process shall involve.
1.Completion of drawing
2.Drawing check by Senior Draftsman
3.Design check by Designer
4.Design Peer Review by Senior Engineer
5.Approval for Construction

This procedure is required to ensure that the design documents and drawings conform with Engineering Standards, and that adequate and correct information is supplied to ensure the project can constructed and operated efficiently and safely. 

All drawings leaving the design office for fabrication and/or construction are to be checked for:
·                     Plant design, equipment arrangements, major equipment selection, flow diagrams, systems, layouts and circuitry .This is generally the duty of supervision who, with the assistance of senior personnel, check these aspects on a continuous basis from the initial stages of design.

·                     Stress design, component arrangement and relationship, and adherence to applicable codes, etc. This is normally done by senior design personnel appointed at the discretion of the supervisor .

·                     Dimensions, geometry, fabrication practice, installation clearances, adherence to Drafting Standards, projection, orientation, clarity of presentation, references, notes, drawing titles, key plans, etc. This is done by any design/drafting personnel qualified and as the need arises.

2.0  Checking Procedure

Upon completion of drawings, one print of each drawing (A1, A2 or A3 – depending on complexity of the drawing) shall be supplied to the Senior Draftsman for checking purposes.   The "checker" shall use the "red/yellow" method (yellow for correct, red for error}. All remarks in red shall be clear and concise.

The checked drawings shall be returned to the person who produced the original drawing for correction in accordance with the checked print.  All revisions completed shall be "crossed out" on the check print with a green marker.

On completion of the revisions, the drawing originator shall supply the checker with a reprint the revised drawing and the markup copy.  The checker shall review and ensure all revisions required have been transferred to the new print.  Any variance shall be resolved between the drawing originator and the checker.

This process shall be repeated for the Design check (completed by the Designer) and the Peer Review check (completed by a Senior Engineer). Where necessary, appropriate personnel will be assigned by the supervisor for the Peer Review role.  

This process is detailed in the attached flow chart.

3.0 Signatures and Approvals
Refer to the attached title block example appended to this document.

3.1  New Drawings
When all items have been revised, the initials of the persons that checked the drawing shall be included in the title block.  The Design Reviewer and the Peer Reviewer shall indicate their satisfaction by counter initialing and dating the appropriate line in the drawing title block.

The release of the drawing for construction (RFC) approval shall be the responsibility of the Project Manager (Capital Projects) or Superintendent of Engineering (Operating Projects).  The RFC approval is indicated in the separate approval box.

3.2 Revisions
Subsequent revisions of an original drawing shall be processed in the same manner as a new drawing, except.

·                     The review / approval process shall only be required for "As-built" and "Released for Construction" drawing issues.  Intermediate drawing issues shall generally not require the review process to be completed, however this should be assessed on a case by case basis. 
·                     The review / approval process shall only consider the area of the plan being revised.  This should be indicated on all plans as a "clouded" section and a corresponding revision # triangle.
·                     As-built drawings should be reviewed by the Commissioning Engineer to ensure the new drawings reflect the installation.

4.0 Checking – Roles and Responsibilites

Each check process involves a specific role and accountability, as detailed below.

Drafting Originator
Prior to submitting the drawing for review, the drawing originator should verify the format and content by using a standard checklist developed for Civil / Mechanical drawings and Instrumentation / Electrical drawings.  These checklists are attached as an Appendix to this document.
Drafting Check
The Senior Draftsman is responsible to ensure that the drawing originator has
·              completed the drawings in accordance with PT Inco drafting standards
·              that sufficient detail has been supplied to ensure the project can be constructed / fabricated / installed
·              that the drawing is ready to be issued to the Designer for review.

Design Review
The Designer shall check that the drawing, as supplied, is in accordance with his / her design, and that sufficient information detailed / supplied to allow the full scope of the work to be completed.

The designer shall complete a "constructability" review to ensure the design can be built as designed, and also an "operability" review to assess performance in operation.  Any deficiencies in the design shall be corrected and the drawings revised accordingly.

Peer Review
A Senior Engineer shall be responsible to complete a technical review of the drawing to ensure the design as supplied is satisfactory to complete the required objective and the that the design satisfies accepted and applicable design standards. 

As part of this process the Senior Engineer may require the Designer to supply design calculations or the design philosophy and parameters used.

Drawing Approval
The drawing approval (generally "Released for Construction"), shall be completed by the Project Manager or Superintendent of Engineering for Capital and Operating projects respectively.

The final drawing approval is required to ensure that the design and drawing review process has been completed by relevant and suitably qualified staff, and that the drawing has been signed off accordingly.  This final approval process shall also ensure that all the required information is supplied in the associated work package, and that all other administrative requirements, are completed before issue of  the work package. 

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