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The objective of the project is to fulfill the electric energy demand in Kendari, PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) has planned to build, own and operate a coal fire steam power plant, PLTU Kendari unit 3 (1 x 10 MW) for supplying the electric power for industrial and public use.
In accordance with construction process of a power plant particularly in physical installation, it need a supervision and control to the Works carried out by the contractor to achieve project objectives with a good quality, completed in time and economically which shall comply with the contract specification and prevailing standard.    
2.1     PURPOSE
This Project Engineering Procedures Manual is issued for use by the Consultant Supervison PLTU Kendari Unit 3. This manual summarizes the basic interfaces and procedures involved in Contractor document review activities and also provide guidance to project personnel in the areas of organization, documentation and communication.

Distribution of the Project Engineering Procedures Manual is controlled. Consultant Supervison PLTU Kendari Unit 3 will determine and maintain current the manual distribution.
The responsibility of updating and issue of this Procedure Manual lies with the Project Manager, and deviation from the procedures are permitted only after approval has been obtained from the Project Manager.
2.4     ACRONIM
The acronyms shall be used in the PLTU Kendari Unit 3 2x110 MW Project Management Plan is as follows:
BASCOM                                : Basic Communication Distributed List
KD                                         : PLTU Kendari Unit 3
Reconsult                               : PT. Rekadaya Elektrika Consult
PLN E                                    : PT PLN Enginiring
HK                                         : PT. Hutama Karya (Persero)
BOP                                       : Balance of Plant
HO                                         : Head Office
SO                                         : Site Office

Discipline designator code defined by IEEE Standard 806 (Recommended Practice for System Identification in Fossil Fueled Power Plants and Related Facilities)
M                                           : Mechanical
E                                            : Electrical
K                                            : Control
S                                            : Civil / Structure
P                                            : Project Support
PLN Head Office
DITKEU                                  : DIREKTORAT KEUANGAN
DD ANG                                  : Diputi Direktur Perencanaan, Pengendalian Anggaran dan Kinerja
DD AKT                                  : Diputi Direktur Akuntansi, Pajak dan Asuransi
DD BDH                                 : Diputi Direktur Perbendaharaan
DITREN                                  : DIREKTORAT PERENCANAAN DAN TEKNOLOGI
DD SIS                                   : Diputi Direktur Perencanaan System
DITKONS                                : DIREKTORAT KONSTRUKSI STRATEGIS
DD DAN                                 : Diputi Direktur Supervisi Pengadaan Konstruksi
DD PKT                                  : Diputi Direktur Supervisi Konstruksi Pembangkitan
DD ADM                                : Diputi Direktur Administrasi Konstruksi
Co. QA/QC                             : Koordinator Tim QA/QC
TAK                                        : Ketua Tim Administrasi Kepabean
ENG.SPV.TEAM                     : Direktur Utama PT PLN E
CONTS.SPV TEA                    : Direktur Utama Rekadaya 
CONTRACT AMENDEMEN TEAM : Tim Evaluasi Amandemen Proyek Percepatan PLTU

3.1    GENERAL     
Project organization is issued for use by Consultant Supervison PLTU Kendari Unit 3 at the Home Office office and site project office to identify the position, the scope of works, and the responsibilities carried out to provide services during the project life and there after. This organization can be reviewed and updated accordingly in order to obtain optimum benefit to provide good services for the project by approval of the PLN as the project owner.
The organization charts of PLTU Kendari Unit 3 are shown on the Appendix 3.1.
3.3.1       Objective Services
The consultant shall actively provide services to PLN in their supervision of the Contractor's project execution activities in the areas of:
(a)     QA / QC  Material and Equipments Inspection
(b)    Construction Supervision of Power Plant
(c)     Material and Equipments Delivery Monitoring
(d)    Commissioning Supervision and Testing Supervision
(e)     Commercial and Guaranty Period
(f)     Environmental Monitoring
(g)    Report.
The above construction supervision work will be performed at the site by a joint PLN/Consultant Supervision dan QA/QC Team.
3.3.2       Scope of Services and Responsibilities
The scope of the services and responsibilities shall consist of QA / QC Material and Equipments Inspection construction supervision of power plant, material and equipments delivery monitoring, commissioning supervision and testing supervision, commercial and garanty Period, environmental monitoring, report as described in the following:
a)      Supervision & QA/QC Material and Equipment
The consultant shall carry out supervision activity and having coordination to ensure the quality of the equipment and fabricated material which shall be sent by the contractor through Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
QA/QC activity are as follow :
·       Checking QA/QC documents and inspection sent by the subcontractor, compare with QA/QC inspection procedure which have been approved by PLN and or material and equipment specification and the prevailing standard.
·       Monitoring the unconformance found.
·       Conduct inspection to the material arrive at site and checking the completeness and conformity of the shipping documents with the procedures agreed.
·       Making and arrange filling system for QA/QC document, inspection report, Non Conformance Report and any other documents related to QA/QC.
b)      Construction Supervision
Supervision activity shall be done by the consultant to ensure all the construction activity carried out by the contractor complies with the contract. The activities are as follow :
(1)     Control supervision and checking to the construction works and worship for all equipment and system in PLTU Kendari Unit 3, even in mechanical, electrical, instrument and control as well as boiler and the auxiliary, balance of plant, coal & ash handling plant, 150 kV substation, plant electrical and metering system, plant instrumentation & control system, other civil building, so that the quality of construction work and the workmanship comply with stipulation in the contract specification and or related prevailing standard and being carried out in accordance with the schedule.
(2)     Follow up and monitoring work progress of the contractor, checking and verify progress report sent by the contractor.
(3)     Study and comprehend project schedule which consist of contract schedule (milestones evens, key dates and detail), material and equipment delivery and shipping schedule, detailed commissioning, inspection and testing schedule and any other of project schedule.
(4)     Monitoring and up dating the above project activity schedule in line with actual progress at site also give recommendation to PT. PLN (Persero) to anticipate any deviation which might cause delay to the project completion.
(5)     Study, checking and examine the construction and installation method, construction approval procedure and site inspection sent by the contractor and follow and supervise the implementation so that the construction and testing activity can be done based on the contract specification and the prevailing standard and comply with the work safety and security and minimize the impact which harm the environment.
(6)     Checking and evaluate report of construction test result and site inspection sent by the contractor to see conformity and comply with the contract specification and the prevailing standard.
(7)     Monitoring, evaluate and recommend any changes to the design at site, making recommendation and then inform to the engineering department to be further examined and implementation of the as built drawings.
(8)     Checking receiving material and equipment document sent by the contractor and arrange filling system for those document above.
(9)     Study and comprehend contractual aspect related to the construction works, commissioning and liability of the contractor during the construction and warranty period.
(10)   Attending meeting periodically and prepare the minutes of meeting.
(11)   Checking and verify pending item list and punch list made by the contractor, up date and monitoring also supervise the premedical completion.
(12)   To administer contractual activity and establish project instruction as long as needed. Do any other steps needed to control the situation which direct to the contractor’s claim and maintain project documents to protect PT. PLN (Persero) from any uncorrected claim by the contractor.
c)      Checking on material and equipment receiving at site
The consultant shall actively assist PT. PLN (Persero) Pembangkitan SULMAPA III supervise and checking on material and equipment receiving at site including but not limited to:          
(1)     Checking the completeness validity of document shipping material/ equipment arrived at site.
(2)     To inspect material/ equipment arrives at site to ensure the amount and the volume is correct, the specification comply with the contract and in a good condition.
(3)     To supervise and checking on imported material/ equipment based on the the approved master list and comply with the prevailing regulation.
(4)     To help PT. PLN (Persero) to proceed material Receiving Report approval.
(5)     To monitor delivery schedule and receiving material and equipment to anticipate delay that might influence project completion schedule.
(6)     To arrange and up date filling system for receiving material and or equipment.
d)      Commissioning supervision and Testing equipment.
The contractor shall responsible to all activity and commissioning and testing report. PT. PLN (Persero) shall provide the operator for power plant to operate all commissioning activity based on the direction of the contractor. The commissioning team of PT. PLN (Persero) shall cooperate with the commissioning team of the contractor to supervise the activity.
The consultant along with PT. PLN (Persero) shall arrange standard program, criteria and testing procedure, process and procedure detail for testing and commissioning shall be submitted by the contractor and shall be evaluated together with PT. PLN (Persero) based on the arranged testing program. Upon review and approval of the contractor’s commissioning and testing program, then together with PT. PLN (Persero) to see the performance test of Coal Fired Steam Power Plant’s equipment. If there is no deviation from the contract specification and the power plant shows good performance, the consultant shall provide recommendation regarding the test to PT. PLN (Persero) to obtain the approval once again.
 Result of the commissioning and testing shall be the basis by the consultant to arrange recomendation of taking over. The consultant shall evaluate all test result including performance test and conformity to the specification stipulated on the contract.
In detail, the commissioning activities are as follow :
(1)     Study and comprehend liabilities of the contractor during the commissioning and testing of equipment based on contract, including the guaranteed values.
(2)     To know and monitor schedule commissioning and testing activities
(3)     Study and examine commissioning procedure and testing equipment sent by the contractor to compy with the equipment specification, guaranteed value and prevailing standard and submitted the recommendation and response to PT. PLN (Persero).
(4)     Supervise commissioning activity and testing equipment to ensure those activities comply with the approved procedure and or prevailing standard and schedule planned earlier.
(5)     As a counter part of commissioning team of the contractor, checking data and evaluate commissioning result and testing or the equipment sent by the contractor including the calculation of performance test of the equipment and station criteria test.
(6)     Attend commissioning and test equipment meeting and prepare the minutes of meeting.
(7)     Provide and arrange filling systemfor commissioning and testing equipment including the reports.
e)      Construction Supervison during warranty period
The consultant actively monitor and supervise the implementation of liabilities contractually done by the contractor during the warranty period. During this period, the contractor shall control continuously till the end of the period.
(1)     The consultant actively assist PT. PLN (Persero) to monitor and supervise the contractual liabilities done by the contractor in the warranty period.
(2)     The consultant actively assist PT. PLN (Persero) in the operation and maintenance period.
(3)     To assist PT PLN (Persero) in the operation and maintenance of the power plant in one (1) year warranty period, including assist to increase the efficiency and performance of the power plant.
(4)     To assist all technical aspects if any problem occurred during the warranty period and during the period of claim settlement.
f)       To monitoring the fulfillment of other contractual liabilities done by the contractor.
The consultant shall actively assist PT. PLN (Persero) Pembangkitan SULMAPA in monitoring and supervise the work carried out by the contractor including but not limited to :
(1)     To conduct site training to operators and maintenance crew.
       The consultant is requested to monitor the implementation, method and site training material to the operators and the maintenance crew which is conducted by the contractor in order the quality of the training comply with the standard in time.
(2)     Spare parts and consumable procurement during the construction period.
       The consultant is requested to monitor procurement of spare parts and consumables provided by the contractor during the construction period to ensure the pre-COD OM & F Works by PT. PLN (Persero) shall not not disturbed.
(3)     Preparation of DOM manual and As Built Drawings
       The consultant is requested to monitor preparation of DOM manual and as built drawings, those documents should be completed upon COD.
(4)     Reports by the contractor.
       The consultant is requested to monitor the reports made by the the contractor in time.
g)      To monitor the environment pollution control.
The consultant construction site shall actively assist PT. PLN (Persero) Pembangkitan Sulmapa to monitor construction of the power plant to comp with the standard and environment, review, evaluate and assist the contractor in controlling environment pollution and ecology and work safety control. Management program for the environment shall control the activity related to the power plant mode of operation, construction period, sea harbor, coal ash, chemical cleaning, waste, etc.
The consultant shall examine the problem solving alternative of the environment to ensure that environment during construction and operation shall be in the safe condition and subject to the government regulation.
Refer to above services and responsibilities of each engineering disciplines in the organization of this project shares the services and the responsibilities to the project as described in Appendix 3.2

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