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Project planning and control documents are prepared to define the policies, practices,' procedures design criteria and instruction applicable to the planning and control Of the project. These documents have controlled distribution, with periodic review and updating.
6.1.1         Project Documents.
The Project Documents are consisting of:
(1)        Contract Agreement between the owner of the project (PLN) and the contractor of the project including any documents stipulated in the contract agreement.
(2)        PLN Policies and Procedures may be included in the project document only when it affect according to the contract.

(3)        Out-going and incoming documents of Project activities.
The project schedule serves as an effective planning and control tool, which integrates the project scope, applicable Consultants Supervision and QA/QC practices and procedures into a single plan for the project supervision services.
6.2.1         Project Schedule
Preparation of the project schedule involves several phases. The first phase is the establishment by PLN of the project schedule. Followed by additional detailed planning and schedules for the life of the project by the Contractor.
Periodic monitoring of schedules shall be preformed to determine the status, either compliance or deviation of each scheduled activity. Monthly Progress Reports shall contain information related to the project schedule.
Items that are reported to be in deviation from the schedule require corrective action as directed by the project engineering manager. In most cases, the corrective action shall be concentrated in an effort to geuhe project activity on schedule, and in some cases there may be occasions which require rescheduling some project activity. Any major rescheduling requires approval of the project engineering manager with concurrence of PLN.
6.2.2         Project Implementation Schedule
The project implementation schedule is a simple text rial display of the procurement milestone. It clearly illustrates the timing and sequence of the more significant project procurement activities, and services as a means to communicate the schedule concept between   Sumitomo Corporation and PLN.
(a)        Review the Contractor prepared invoices for correctness relative to agreed work progress, contract price, currency and terms of payment.
(b)        Interpret commercial and financial conditions of the contract.
A written Project Progress Report is submitted by the contractor to the principle of Project Manager by weekly and monthly accordance to the project contract and point 4.5 of this procedure (distribution of Incoming Drawings and Documents). The contract engineer will make written review and comment on the Project Progress Report refer to the progress of the project activities, (see Appendix 6.1).
Upon receipt of the approved monthly percentage of Progress Report from the PLN Site Project Manager, the contractor will prepare and submit a monthly invoice to the Consultant for concurrence.
Upon receipt of Consultant concurrence on monthly invoice the contractor will incorporate any agreed upon changes invoice to the Consultant concerned approval invoice to the PLN for his release.

The equipment and system to be supplied by contractor shall undergo tests to verify that the components will satisfy all the performance requirements as specified in the codes, standards and the contract. All equipment tests shall be conducted in accordance with the codes and standards specified in the contract. Any equipment performance test not covered by codes and standards specified in the contract shall be subject to the review and approved by PLN.
(1)        The performance of the individual test specified in the contract shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the equipment guarantees required by the contract specification.
(2)     The consultant shall actively assist PLN in executing inspection and expediting works,   i.e.   equipment   quality   assurance   (shop   inspection)   and   delivery surveillance (expediting) covering all plants equipment, materials and spare parts, including but not limited to :
a)      Review contractor's production schedules and delivery programs.
b)      Visit contractor's plant to identify and assist in removing constraints affecting scheduled deliveries.
c)      Review the contractor's quality assurance programmer for compliance with the contract.
d)      Review factory testing methods and procedures.
e)      Witness factory tests and review test results.
f)       Submit reports giving the findings and  results  of each  expediting, inspection or witness test visit to the contractor's plant.
7.3.1       Test Procedures
(1)     The contractor shall submit preliminary test procedure for the steam turbine and the auxiliaries’ equipment within six months and all other equipments one year after the contract award.
(2)     The contractor shall submit detailed test procedures for all individual items of equipments, complete systems and subsystems specified in the contract to PLN at least six months before the scheduled test date.
The detailed test procedures shall include performance tests either conducted in the manufacture's workshop or at the project site.
(3)        Before any equipment is packed or dispatched from the contractor's or subcontractor's workshop all relevant performance and other tests called for in the contract shall have been successfully carried out with appropriate codes and standards and to the satisfaction of the owner, who shall have seen and approved the test results.
(4)     The detailed test procedures, lists, logic diagrams and flow diagrams together with test results, including all tests and a complete and detailed log of observations and readings, shall be correlated and presented as a single bond final test report submitted to PLM. Twenty bound copies of Final Test Report shall be supplied by the contractor to PLN.
(5)     If any equipment is found unable to meet guaranteed performance, the contractor shall repair and/or replace such defects and shall re-verify the guarantees. The time period for repair will be decided by PLN if it is beyond the specified completion date.
7.3.2       Inspection Procedures
(1)                Inspection procedures shall be submitted for review no later than four weeks before the scheduled inspection. The inspection schedule shall be conducted according to mutually agreed conditions.
(2)       Any defective work discovered during this inspection shall be remedied free of charge by the contractor under the terms of the warranty of the contract.
(3)       An inspection report shall be submitted for each piece.of material, equipment or system inspected. This report shall include but not be limited to the following:
a)        Status of material, equipment or system.
b)       Deviation from expected conditions.
c)        Remedial action required.
d)       Conclusions.
e)        Mutually agreed correction procedures.
f)                 Photographs.
(4)       Inspection Certificate will be issued by PLN for the each of accepted and agreed of testing and inspection results of system, subsystem, and equipment of the project. The forms of Test Summary Report, Inspection and Test Report, Final Inspection Release, and Certificate of Inspection are given in the Appendix 7.1,   7. 2, 7. 3 and 7. 4.
The Consultant shall review and comment on the Contractor’s QA/QC program to ensure it meets the requirements of the contract and is found acceptable as per applicable codes and standards for being recommended for approval be PLN.
The Consultant shall also ensure that the Contractor provides objective evidence that his QA/QC program shall be implemented by al his subcontractors and vendors.
All deviations or deficiencies in the Contractor’s or his subcontractor’s or his vendor’s work with relation to the established and approved QA/QC program shall be identified as Non-Conformance.
A punch list or non-conformance items shall be maintained at the site office in conjunction with the project services group to assure and track corrective actions required (CAR) and non-conformance reports (NCR).
All non-conformance items, contract notice of deficiencies and deviations shall be resolved to the satisfaction of PLN prior to issue of acceptance certificate for any portion or item of work.

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