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GENERAL NOTE:  When installing emergency generators, use sub base fuel tank with outside fill pipe.  Include a spill catchment basin around fill pipe which is at least 3 gallons in size.

 1.      All underground storage tank systems are to be designed and installed in compliance with the Lexington/Fayette County underground storage tank regulations and Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, (Division of Waste Management, Underground Storage Tank Section) regulations.  Exception: When local regulations are more stringent.

 2.      Tanks are to be of a non‑corrosive material which meets UL 58 or UL 1316.  Fiberglass reinforced plastic is preferred.

 3.      Buried fuel piping is to be UL approved nonmetallic pipe such as fiberglass reinforced plastic or catholic ally protected schedule 40 steel pipe.  Include a metallic wire in trench when using fiberglass reinforced plastic in order that lines can be located in the future.

 4.      Provide an initial fill of fuel for final acceptance and to add ballast.

 5.      The consultant is responsible for the following notification procedure:

      1.      Tank Installation:

          A letter of intent to install tanks shall be received by the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management and Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, (Division of Waste Management, Underground Storage Tank Section), no less than thirty days  prior to the intended installation date.  The letter is to contain facility name and location, number and size of tanks, product and proposed installation date.  Notification shall be made on a form provided by each office.  Additionally, blueprints/drawings and specifications shall be submitted to and approved by the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management and State Regulatory Agency.  The blueprints/drawings and specifications shall document your intent to satisfy the following applicable requirements:

           1.      Location of all tanks, piping, dispensers, buildings, structures, loading areas, parking lots, roads, drains in areas where petroleum are stored or used, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, septic tanks, water wells, and emergency equipment is identified.
           2.      Use of adjacent properties (e.g. residential, gas station, hospital, etc.) is identified.
           3.      New metallic tank(s) which meet the specifications in UL 58 or UL 1316, and includes a noncorrosive coating, strike plate beneath opening, cathodic protection as specified in NFPA 30, Section 2‑3.3, and manufacturer's certification.
           4.      New nonmetallic tank(s) which meet the specification in UL 58 or UL 1316, and includes a strike plate beneath opening and manufacturer's certification.

           5.      Tank installation will be done according to API Recommended Practice 1615 and NFPA 30A, and nonmetallic tanks set according to manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 30, 2‑32.
           6.      Observation wells will be installed according to regulations.
           7.      Secondary containment will be installed, if necessary, according to local regulations.
           8.      Tank charts and delivery procedures will be visible to product carrier when delivering product.
           9.      New nonmetallic pipe with UL approval will be used.
          10.     New coated and cathodic ally protected schedule 40 or higher steel pipe will be used.
          11.     Product line installation will be done according to local regulation.
          12.     Remote pumping system(s) will be installed with product line leak detectors and emergency shut off valve(s).
          13.     Warning sign(s) and emergency shut off control(s) will be present.
          14.     Overfill protection device installed according to local and state regulations.

      2.      In addition, a forty‑eight hour prior notification shall be made to the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management and State Regulatory Agency in order to request an on‑site inspection/ confirmation of the following:

           1.      Beginning of construction (prior notification is not required, however, a projected starting date should be included in the letter provided to the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management and Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, (Division of Waste Management, Underground Storage Tank Section)).
           2.      Air tests of tank(s).
           3.      Air tests of line(s).
           4.      Leak detector(s) test.
           5.      Emergency shut off valve(s) test.
           6.      Beginning of operation (prior notification is not required, however, operation cannot begin unless a spill prevention and control plan has been completed and the registration fee paid to the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management.)

      3.      Tank Closure:

          When rendering tank(s) out of service, written notification shall be submitted to the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management and Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, (Division of Waste Management, Underground Storage Tank Section) no less than thirty days before work is to commence.  Notification shall be made on a form provided by each office.  No less than forty‑eight hours prior to removal of an Underground Storage Tank system notification shall be given to the Division of Environmental and Emergency Management and Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, (Division of Waste Management, Underground Storage Tank Section) in order that an on‑site inspection can be made of adjacent soil and the tanks being removed.

From our Project Managers to our subcontractors, everyone on our construction team has a wealth of knowledge about petroleum, chemical, and potable water requirements. Our people take annual refresher courses, too, to stay on top of a dynamic market.
Following storage tank installation and removal guidelines to the letter, our crews are proud to have third-party testers verify their work.

Given that we’re a general contractor who controls virtually every aspect of the commercial construction process, we …
thrive on very tight schedules
coordinate the work of many subcontractors in tight workspaces
coordinate all aspects related to operation
build on time, on budget, and incident-free (If it’s an LBC job, it’s a safe job, start to finish.)

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