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Showing posts from July, 2013


1.         Perencanaan a. Suatu proses yang mengubah proses lain, atau mengubah suatu keadaan untuk mencapai maksud yang dituju oleh perencana atau oleh orang/badan yang diwakili oleh perencana itu. (Johara T. Jayadinata , 1999) b.   Sebuah proses yang bertujuan menentukan perbaikan kebutuhan dan fasilitas baru sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. (Catherine.L.Ras , 1996)


Crying is a normal emotional reaction. Generally, women are more easily and more frequently than men cry. Society generally requires men to be strong and tough, one form is to not cry. If a man was caught crying, scorn and ridicule would be on him. "You are a man, do not cry like a woman!"


Once there was a wealthy nobleman who lived in a vast area of ​​grassland. One day, as more and more owned by his cattle, the nobles chose 2 young people from poor families to be employed. The tall and strapping employed as grooms. While underweight and smaller livestock goats hired as caretaker.  After a while, the sturdy body arrogantly said to the small body: "Hey buddy. Bigger body than I do your body. I'm older than you. Starting tomorrow, we swapped places. I chose to take care of the goats., And you replace me take care of horses. Beware if you do not want to! And beware yes, please do not report this problem to our master? If you dare to report or refuse, you know the consequences! I kill your little body! "  Afternoon, with a glum face and unsteady steps he went home. Arriving at the house, saw his face glum and turmoil, the mother asked: "Son, what is it? Was what? Tell me to mother". With affection and tenderness, they conversed at dinner. ...


INTRODUCTION A pump is a machine that imparts energy into a liquid to lift the liquid to a higher level, to transport the liquid from one place to another, to pressurize the liquid for some useful purpose, or to circulate the liquid in a piping system by overcoming the frictional resistance of the piping system. The pump is one of the oldest machines invented by man. The earliest pumps devised for raising water, such as the Persian and Roman waterwheels and the more advanced Archimedes screw, were invented to raise water from the hold of a ship. Since that time, many variations and applications of pumps have been developed, which in most cases can be classified into two basic methods used to impart energy to a liquid: volumetric or positive displacement, and addition of kinetic energy.